Family Matters

- Tittle: Family matters
- Nationality: United States
- Leading actors and actresses :
Reginald VelJohnson is Carl Winslow, father of the family Winslow.
Jo Marie Payton is Harriette Winslow, wife and mother of the family Winslow.
Darius McCrary is Eddie Winslow, is the firstborn son of Carl and Harriette.
Kellie Shanygne Williams is Laura Winslow, is the daughter of the family Winslows.
JaimeeFoxworth is Judy Winslow, is the little daugther of the family Winslow.
Rossetta LeNoire is Stelle Winslow, she is the Eddie, Laura and Judy,s grandmother.
Jaleel White is Steve Urkel he is the neighbor of the family Winslow.
Telma Hopkins is Rachel Crawford, she is Harriette´s sister
Michelle Thomas is Myra Monkhouse, she is Steve´s girlfriend.
Shawn Harrrison is Waldo Geraldo Faldo, he is the best friend of Steve.
- Family matters characters:
Harriette Winslow, works out her home and she spends a lot of time with her sons.
Eddie Winslow is a good boy, but he likes the sports and the girls before the studies.
Laura Winslow is very intelligent, she doesn´t like Steve Urkel but at the end she fall in love with him.
Judy Winslow, this charactere is not important, she disappears of the series.
Stelle Winslow, grandmother of the family Winslows, she is very funny.
Steve Urkel, he is in love with Laura, and he is very stupid and he is always in Winslow´s home.
Rachel Crawford, she is widow and Richie´s mother.
Myra Monkhouse, she is in love with Steve , but he doesn´t love her.
Waldo Geraldo Faldo, he isn´t very intelligent, but he is a very nice cook.
- Plot: The mains characteres of the series are The Family Winslow and Steve Urkel a stupid neighbor.The Family Winslow are an american family of mid class , that live in Chicago. The series is a comedy with a lot of jokes and funny talks with a moral message at the end of each chapter.
- Would you recommend it?: it is a series that it has a lot of enterteining dialogs and very funny situations. If you see that series you will have a very enjoyable moment, overcoat with the principal character, Steve Urkel.

Sonia Fernández Barba.
José Antonio Castro Sánchez.